Sunday, 19 December 2010

Giving thanks in ALL circumstances

A good friend of mine, Maturing, wrote a post a short while ago about giving thanks in all circumstances and suggested that maybe we could all post on a regular occassion about things we were thankful for to ensure we keep our eyes on Jesus with gratitude in our hearts. As this dear one stated in her blog, "How easy it is to overlook the marvellous and the precious in the midst of what is happening around us."

She's absolutely right. Similarly, Sarah Markley has been hosting a 100 joys blog to get people to name their joys, even in the midst of seeming non-joy because it's easy to forget about joy when you're in the middle of stress or whatevers in daily life. I heartily recommend both ladies' blogs as worthwhile reading material. Both present challenging, real nitty gritty but ultimately encouraging posts which will build you up in your faith.

So, back to the matter in hand, what am I grateful for this evening?

  • For the lovely coal fire burning in the grate beside my sofa, keeping me warm. I know there are people out there in the cold with no home, no shelter and trying desperately to keep warm. I'm thankful I have a home, somewhere safe and warm.
  • I'm grateful for my family, that I am not alone in this world but have a sibling, both parents alive and well, a nephew and extended family too. I am grateful for them, even though we all test each other's patience from time to time.
  • I am grateful and thankful for good friends, in particular this evening I think of my good friend, Maturing, who has been such a rock to me in times past and present. She has been an encourager, a shoulder to cry on and a person to laugh and be silly with. I am so thankful that God placed her in my life all those years ago.
  • I'm thankful for the internet. Whilst there are alot of things on it that are not God-honouring or in keeping with Philippians 4:8 , there is also plenty on the internet that is encouraging, funny, uplifting. I also am able to keep in contact with loved ones and dear friends.
  • I'm grateful for my husband who works so hard to keep the lovely home we live in, ensure we have food to eat, clothes to wear, that we lack for nothing. He carries the burden of our wellbeing and all the stress of work to boot so I praise God for this man. I love him so much.
  • I'm thankful for sleep. Sleep is a gift, it not only refreshes us, gives our bodies a chance to heal, to recuperate but also acts as a way of drawing a line under a day. Sometimes we need those lines, the ability to stop and then re-start.
  • I am thankful for books. I love to read as a way of winding down, a way to get knowledge and for sheer enjoyment.
  • I am thankful that God never gives up on us, that we can show our worst side possible, act in ways that are the complete opposite of what He wants for us but, when we cry help and beg forgiveness, He is there and ready to forgive, to heal and show us grace and mercy. I am particularly thankful for that today.
So these are my items today that I am grateful to God for.
Thank you Lord for blessing me so.

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