Monday, 3 January 2011

Encouragement for the New Year, 2011

I love it when God chooses to use the everyday events of life to speak to me about matters on His heart. I love it even more when I actually happen to be listening and don't miss what He's saying (let's be honest, haven't all of us at one time or another been asleep or listening to other voices when God speaks?).

Well, right at the outset, God wanted to encourage me regarding this year, all of my future really.

I have to give you some background to the way my mind works, struggles I've had in the past.
You see, I used to get really bent out of shape about the approaching New Year. Instead of looking at it with anticipation of new experiences, new challenges, chances for happiness and joy, I used to cry with fear and worry. I used to look at the New Year as being filled with problems, disasters round every corner and, instead of a chance to do well, a chance to screw up my life a bit more. Yup, it was deeply depressing being around me on New Year's Eve, certainly not a fun-filled evening!

After Boxing Day, things got a little tired and fractious at home. As much as it is lovely to spend time with family, have the big feast etc, it can also tire one out, together with the inevitable pig out on food.  Anyway, my fears regarding the future started to crowd in on me. My emotions started to flit all over the place, I was depressed, worried of others' thoughts on me. Old problems with food returned and imagined upsets. All my weak points were poked and prodded and I felt I was coming apart at the seams.

By the time I returned to work on 29th, I was in pieces. But I finally began to speak to God about it all. Why does it take us so long to go to God about these things? Well, what I mean is, why does it take me so long to go to God about these things when previous experiences has taught me He is the first stop and only stop for such matters.

Anyway, as I began to pray, I kept hearing a song that a close friend had sung to me years ago when she was at YWAM ("Youth With a Mission") on short term missions. The song was "Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered". It's not the Chris Tomlin version, I think it's a hymn. Anyway, this kept going round and round my head as I prayed and then, flash of light - EUREKA moment! God encouraged me to lift Him up in praise, to worship Him and in doing so, His enemies (and mine) would flee. This can include the enemies in one's mind, those thoughts that rise unbidden that take our eyes off Jesus and onto ourselves. Basically such thinking reduces God in our minds and our problems, real or perceived, can become the dominent feature in our life.

So this was the first encouragement.

The next was further upsets at home. Now my usual reaction is to push with questions "what's wrong?", "What have I done?" (on the assumption it has to be my fault), "why are you being difficult with me?".
This normally makes the situation worse and can lead to further disagreements and upsets.
But, following on from the Wednesday, I had actually taken note so decided again to pray before doing anything, including talking.

God was very clear on this matter, "Look to Me first. Look to Me only for your affirmation. Look to Me for your confidence. Base your attitude, heart and mind and outlook on what you hear from Me, not from others. Don't be so easily swayed by the atmosphere of others' emotions but instead take lead from Me".
So I elected to do this very thing.  Now I was very fortunate because the atmosphere did improve and all was well but, even if it hadn't, I did feel a lightness in my heart, something I don't normally feel. I tend to be a human barometer for the emotional atmosphere both at home and in the office.

I find it a huge challenge that Christians are to be the the salt, the ones who can and should make the difference. If I'm honest, I'm usually the one leading the charge in negativity. Not something I'm proud of.

Finally, God used a shopping trip, yes a shopping trip to round of His encouragement for the New Year. My hubs decided to take me out shopping for some new clothes. I have lost quite a bit of weight recently and, with it being the sales, hubs thought he would treat me to some new outfits. I decided to spruce myself up and painted my nails a lovely purple. Whilst we at one particular shop, my hubs had me try on a few items which were purple, shirts and cardigans. We ended up getting them. He also treated me to a new handbag, a purple one!

So I got home and began a little fashion parade in my room, enjoying the feel and look of new clothes. As I preened infront of the mirror, God reminded me that purple is a royal colour and that, instead of always doing myself down, always seeing the bad in myself and never any good, He reminded me that I am a member of the Royal Family, His Royal Family. I am a daughter of the King of Kings. God told me that, from 2011, I am to view myself as He sees me. It's time to tell and believe the truth of who I am, not who the devil says I am. This isn't to say I cover over sins, over bad habits and errors in thinking but to see myself in a true light. Quite a challenge - yes, I am a rather pessimistic person!

So I am feeling truly feeling uplifted and encouraged now. I realise that I will have to keep reminding myself of this because there will inevitably be times when I forget.

What has God been saying to you recently?


  1. Yeah, awesome stuff, I can so see God speaking - we pray for change in our lives and it nearly always then seems to start with us being challenged and changed eh?

    I recall Joyce meyer saying how by nature she is not an optimist and wanted to throttle the happy clappy brigade, but by God's grace and this kind of work, she is optimistic in him and said - that has to be God.

    I'm on that pessimisstic to optimistic journey too.

    Really neat post.

    Love ME

  2. I feel like God's been telling me to trust Him -- to literally surrender.

    Of course my humanness tries to mess with me, and the voice of the world has its own opinion about how to live, but God knows what's best for my life, so I'm going with Him.

    2011 might just be the year to talk less, listen more and give it to God. He has good things in store for all of His children.

  3. Hey ME, I think Joyce was right and I need to hold on to that when I feel all pessimistic.

    Jennifer, likewise for me, my own inner voice,society, all compete with God's voice to say how I should live. But I am aiming to hold on to these encouraging words that God has given me and pray them aloud, proclaim them over my life. However,I do take your point about the need for silence too, a chance to listen to God.

  4. It sounds like God is doing some incredible things in your heart!
    I know that I need to work on my heart attitude. I have spent a great bit of time this past year focused on what my eyes can see instead of what is going on in the Spirit. It is hard for me to remember that what I can see will not is not the reality that God has for me as His child. So that is what I will be focusing on this year. Looking to Him for my view of the world....that is the goal of my heart.

  5. Hey Sharon,
    Great to hear from you. Yes God is doing some stuff in my life right now, heart stuff. There are plenty of challenges going on for me, alot of heart stuff. I totally get what you're saying about remembering that what is now is temporary.It's hard to remember when this world feels just so real but I always think about the last book in the Narnia Chronicles - The Last Battle - and how the old Narnia is described compared to the new one.Have a read, if you are able, it's a great analogy of the New Heaven.
