Saturday, 12 February 2011

Standing firm, even when it costs...

I won't go into details here but this is something I am walking through at this very moment in time. Only moments ago, I was in floods of tears so I speak from a position of experience when I expound on this subject.

There are times in our walk of faith when we are called to stand firm in our faith, in what we believe God has called us to do in obedience to Him. Sometimes, when He asks this of us, we see the victory immediately and praise God for those moments when they happen. They are wonderful, we feel amazing and we lift our voices gladly to our Lord, thanking Him for that opportunity and the swiftness of the victory.

But there are also times when we really see the battle and it's not just a quick five minute test of faith but something that we have to persevere, endure and keep pushing through on.

The book of Hebrews really opens this theme of enduring in faith, how God, through Jesus, has prepared the way for us , chapter 11 listing all of those who have gone before us in the fight of faith and stating what they endured and yet how they passed the finish line, in victory and to the glory of God.

A wonderful friend, who is kindly walking beside me in this trial, reminded me of a verse that speaks of faith in the midst of tough times, of holding on when it seems victory will never come - Romans 4v18" Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!”

It comes down to holding on to God, holding on to His word and believing it, even when everything around you seems to shout that the odds are impossible and that this time God can't possibly come through for you. As the hours and days go by and you see no sign of let-up, no relief from the hurt, anger, lies or whatever it is you are facing, it would be easy and, from a human perspective, understandable that you would want to give in. But God is calling you to stand strong, to speak out or even not to speak (as is the case for me currently).

Dear friend, if you are reading this and wearying in the battle, you have my sympathies and I feel so much for you. I really do. But I encourage you right now, as I have people encouraging me, HOLD FAST! STAND FIRM!

There is victory. There is hope. Just keep going. Remember Abraham? He had 20 years of hoping! I look back over 20 years and I can't imagine having that kind of faith for that long and STILL holding on to belief in God's promise. But I do believe God gives us the faith we need to endure. However, we have a part to play; we must ask for that faith then we must choose to accept it. This is also about choices, people. Choices that aren't easy but are the right ones. We will be misunderstood, we will be accused of being selfish, uncaring, stubborn, narrow-minded. But God knows our hearts, Jesus understands the pressures, having lived in our world as a man. The Spirit of God living in us urges us to cling to God.

How do we do this? How do we endure? How do we make good choices?
Hebrews 1(b) - 4 "And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. 3 Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up. 4 After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin".

God knows the struggle, He knows how much it hurts and how alone you feel, how tired and how much you want to just give in. Tell Him about it - it's not like you can shock God by your feelings and thoughts as He knows them all anyway. But tell Him because you need to let it  out, be open with Him and share your feelings, however negative and unsavoury. He loves you, He will listen, wipe away your tears then pour more Grace in to you and whisper "Go on, I know you can do this. Keep going, I am with you".

Let's encourage one another as we endure, as we press on. We are not alone, God is with us every step we take, through every tear shed and every moment our heart wearies and we falter. Keep going!

Hebrews 10: 23-24 "23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. "


  1. Wow girl...real growth here.
    I could not help but think of the birth of a baby as I was reading this. Thinking of how the discomfort of the small place makes the baby want to move and be relieved of the tight quarters...and yet as it begins to move to freedom the space gets even tighter. If that child could orchestrate its own future it might just think that it would be easier to back up and stay put. And yet God moves them forward to freedom. Knowing what He knows.....He brings about events that seem painful and yet in the end will bring the greatest freedom.
    I guess that is how I have begun to view all the tight quarters that we have been surrounded by these last few years....He is bringing about a freedom that only He can will be beautiful.
    I know during this process not everyone can recognize what He is doing in us. Some choose to point fingers and try to figure out what you have done wrong to be punished in such a way. And yet with the eyes of faith we can choose to lift our eyes to the author and finisher of our faith.
    The part that I love is that in the scriptures about God tells that if Abraham had wanted to go back...he could have. But Abraham chose to continue. I have often told God that I want to complete this course no matter how painful it gets and not matter how much I cry out for relief. No, I don't want Him to give me what I think I want...I want what He wants no matter what the cost.
    Alright....enough of my rambling. :)
    I love where He is taking faith we will see God. Mat 5:8

  2. ops..should have been...."in the scriptures above"

  3. Hey Sharon, lovely to have you here. Yes, certainly there are a few of us out here going through dealings and it's pretty ugly sometimes.After I wrote this, it actually got worse. I'm in a quiet, lull moment now but we know the fight continues.

    Thank you for your encouragement and the urging to press in to what God wants for me rather than what I want for myself. It's fine if the two marry up but if they don't, uh-oh, trouble! God's will has to come first. Always tough though,isn't it?

    Fight the good fight, Sharon.
    Big hugs
